In English
I’m Selma Gaily-Luoma, a Finnish psychologist, PhD, and psychotherapist for individuals, couples and families. I’m interested in – and working with – mental health, suicide prevention and the well-being of couples and families.
My clinical work is guided by a constant pursuit of dialogue and collaboration. In searching for ways forward with individuals, couples or families, I am especially drawn to exploring the narratives that shape our relationship to ourselves, others and the world.
Due to time spent in the United States during both my childhood and adult years, I am fluent in English, but it is not my first language. In clinical work, I have found myself to be a slower speaker and thinker when working in English. (This of course may, at times, be more an improvement than a problem in therapeutic work.)
I train professionals on subjects related to suicide prevention. You can contact me for training or lectures in English.